Mission Statement
“Provide spiritual opportunities for growth. Promote fellowship and Christian service through projects that benefit our Church, its members and the surrounding community. Build bonds of friendship through social activities.”
What does the Women's Guild Do?
Annual Fundraisers:
- Valentine Cookie Sale
- Women's Spiritual Retreat
Activities and Programs:
In our parish, and in our community, we have participated in:
- Holy Cross Women's Center "You are Worthy" Luncheon
- Christmas Caroling at the Nazareth House
- Help with the Wednesday Night College Dinner
- Contributions to various student groups and scholarships, women's groups, and homeless shelters.
Most recently, the Women's Guild was able to provide financial support for the World Youth Day pilgrims at our parish and purchased a camera & laptop for the livestream ministry team!
Women's Spiritual Retreat 2024 Information
The Women’s Guild is hosting their annual Women’s Spiritual Retreat, Saturday January 27, 2024, from
8:30am to 1:00pm in Cardinal Hall. Tickets will be available January 20 & 21, after weekend Masses in the foyer, or anytime at the front desk and online.
The cost is $25.00 per person and includes Brunch. Please indicate “WG Retreat” on your submission or check. Tickets will not be available at the door.
Our February meeting is Thursday February 8 th, and our annual Cookie Sale Fundraiser is February 10 & 11.
2023-2024 Women's Guild Calendar
Upcoming Events:
Year end potluck
Installation of officers
Past Events:
Election of offiers -
Vote on charity contributions -
Possible speaker
Membership sign-ups -
Ideas for meetings, speakers, and service activities
Continue membership sign-ups -
Guest speaker from Serra International
Friendsgiving -
Non-perishables collected for food pantry -
Prepare Christmas cards for Nazareth House
Nazareth House Christmas Caroling & Christmas Card Delivery
Christmas Potluck & White Elephant Gift Exchange -
Collect items for Poverello House
Retreat Committee & Ticket Sales -
Pickup cookie containers -
Craft Project: Make Valentine Cards
(½ Day) Women's Spiritual Retreat
Pick up containers, supplies, etc. for Cookie Sale -
Report on Retreat -
Possible speaker
Cookie Sale after each Mass
Report on Cookie Sale -
Possible speaker or Game Night
Officer nominations for 24-25 year -
Discuss year-end charity contributions -
Dinner meeting
Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
~ Mother Teresa
Contact Us
Email: womensguild@csufnewman.com
We Invite You!
Please join us at our Monthly Meeting, to meet our members and find out what the Women's Guild is and how we serve our parish and community. We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month, September through June. Our meetings are from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, and there is social time from 6:00pm to 6:30pm. Meetings last an hour with a portion devoted to Guild business and the remainder of time for guest speakers when possible.
All are welcome