Peace & Social Justice
The Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Call to Family, Community and Participation
Human Rights and Responsibilities
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Care for God’s Creation
Restorative Justice
Crime Survivors Ministry
Maciel Godburn:
Last September 4, Maciel Godburn of the Crime Survivors Ministry, together with Sally Peralta and Israel Gonzalez from St. Paul Catholic Newman Center, offered a prayer service in Wasco cemetery to help the family of Guillermo ‘Memo’ Leon celebrate his birthday. Maciel led the surviving family in praying the rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet, and a healing prayer for the family of homicide victims. The Leon family released some balloons and doves as symbols of their love for Memo.
Here’s some photos of the event:
Racial Equity and Social Justice
Human Trafficking
Indigenous Communities
Local Contact Roman Raintree:
Fresno Bee Article on Renaming Squaw Valley
Rename Squaw Valley Facebook page:
Care for the Poor
Advocate the Global Food Security Act
Millions of people experience hunger every year due to conflict, climate change, economic crises and other causes. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased food insecurity—nearly one in 10 people were undernourished in 2020.
You can help communities around the world overcome hunger and malnutrition. Urge Congress to reauthorize the Global Food Security Act, which helps farmers learn sustainable farming practices and produce more food, improves nutrition and reduces poverty.
Click on this link to find out how you can help: Catholic Relief Services Website
Food Insecurity
The Food Recovery Program at the SPCNC every Friday night from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in our Cafeteria. Volunteers Needed: Jim Grant,
Poverello House
Catholic Relief Services
Health Care Issues
Homelessness & Housing Issues
Mental Health
Fresno’s Suicide Prevention Walk: “Out of the Darkness” was at Woodward Park, September 17, 2022
Sign a petition to have congress enforce the mental health and addiction partity. Take Action by Clicking Here
Encourage all interested parishioners to be better informed, join the
#Vote4mentalhealth pledge:
Advocate to To increase funding for accessible mental health services in crisis situations, learn more about advocate for AB-988: